Sunday, September 28, 2014

But Who Am I?

"Just go out there and be yourself." "So many fake people, be real."
These are examples of statements we hear more often than not, but there is a lot of detail to what they mean. Who is yourself? How can you go out there and be yourself when you do not know who you are in the first place, how can you call others fake and assume you are real when you do not know what real is?
Why do we even need to know ourselves? Can you truly know who you are? What defines who you are?

With looking at who you are we are focusing on identity of self. Are you what you do, an author, an Oscar award winner, a president, a cool kid, a curvy woman? Are you what others think you are? a tall person, a bubbly person, a sad person, an ugly person, a boring person? What really are you?

I can tell you what you are not, you are not your body form because if you are you should then look the same way you did on your birth day. You are not your personality because that changes as well, you were probably less confident in your teenage years but now that has changed. You are not your achievements because that can easily change or be taken away, achievements are simply expressions of the potential in you. You are not your beauty because that can be enhanced or deducted. One thing I come to learn is that who we are must endure through all changes, who we are should not change, who we are is a constant. How then can we find that and yet everyday we change, we grow, we learn. We already are who we are, the things that change are elements of that. How do we measure change in the first place, do you say you have changed because your perspective has changed,is it cause you have different goals , is it because you have lost or gained weight? How you measure change is different from time to time and from person to person.

God says I am. He describes Himself as unchanging, immortal, everlasting. This can only mean that only He knows who He is and we can never come to the full knowledge of who we are leave alone who He is when we are in this place, this world, this body because God is super natural and we are simply natural, we can not then completely fathom the super natural but only have a grip of it through the Holy Spirit, ( Ephesians 3..18) That is also why the Bible says if you see God you die Exodus 33.20. However we came into light about much more once Christ died and rose again, though we do not see or fully understand God , we have direct access to Him through prayer and scripture, this bridge is because of the blood of Jesus. Is it not crazy that Jesus Christ changed so many things! I would be so lost if He never came. I thank God for He reconciled and brought light to all things. Back to the topic. We may not know who we are and yet God knows us, He knows to detail who you are in the Physical , the Emotional, the Spirit and Soul,  and every other aspect(Psalms 119) . God can not change but we change, we change daily, whether positively or negatively, we change by getting older, by eating more, by seeing new things, by meeting new people, by dying by living to see another day, this then means we as ourselves can not define who we are. 

To find who we are we must go to Him who knows who He is to tell us who we are. What then does God say that we are and who will we become? The most straight forward scripture that says who we are is  found in Psalms139.14 " I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." God made you and for Him to say you are wonderfully and fearfully made is out o

f this world, if you truly internalize those words you will never think less of yourself, you will never compare yourself and everyday, be it a bad hair day or a pimply face day you will look in the mirror and absorb in the master piece that you are. Further, is the fact that you were made by God and not just called into being, meaning that you are more valuable than things which God made by calling into being, you are more valuable than Queen Elizabeth's diamonds, valuable than the white house. You are priceless, your value can not be measured by money, 1 Corinthians 6.20,  explains  how you were bought by the blood of Jesus, the magnitude of this scripture is beyond amazing, the creator of the universe, shed His blood for you as ransom from shackles of death! You have become a child of God once you accept and live by His commands. You can not define yourself, you can not even comprehend who you are because it is beyond you and therefore you can only look to Christ daily in His word and through prayer to remind you and give you a better understanding of who you are. Because when you do that, you emancipate yourself from mental slavery, from untrue words by others, from your own lies Just as Galatians 5.1 says For freedom, Christ has set us free.Stand firm, then,and do not be subject again to the yoke of slavery. You become a person firmly footed, in peace, in patience, in love, in confidence, in all things that are good. You become real. You only go from strength to strength when He tells you who you are each moment. Once you know this , His will for you becomes clear, His revealed will for you in Scripture and His sacred and personal will for you. His will creates your purpose and purpose is in each moment, in every day achievements, it is not an ultimate situation you land upon one day,for only this moment is real, you have no guarantee of tomorrow,  purpose is the awareness of the gift of life and ability to do something out of that awareness.

Who you are also makes you realize who others are, and at that, unconditional love for others becomes something that is natural to you. Romans 15.7 Receive one another just as also Christ received you, to God's glory.

Romans 8.17 Now if we are children , then we are heirs- heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in His sufferings in order that we may also share in His glory. ( Seriously mind blown by that scripture!! WHAT! CO-HEIRS WITH CHRIST!!)

2 Corinthians 2.14 But thank God! He has made us his captives and continues to lead us along in Christ's triumphal procession. Now he uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere, like a sweet perfume.

2 Corinthians 5.7 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

Exodus 3.14 God said to Moses, " I AM WHO I AM..."

Love always Hilda.


  1. Great to see you posting again. You have definitely given me something to really think about. Be blessed and continue spreading the word. xx

  2. Wow..this piece is beautiful. Thank you Admin. I am beautifully and wonderfully made😎😍

  3. Thank you Hilda for the food for thought you've provided... Be blessed��

  4. This is an amazing one...its blessed me in a special way. God bless you abundantly.
