Sunday, September 14, 2014

Brace Yourself for This is War

This past Friday I came home, very pleased about how my week had been. As I got into the house. I noticed my very hyper dog sitting and wagging his tail happy to see me. He Was SITTING! Max never sits, he has torn all my stockings and many of my dresses because of the way he jumps at me when he sees me every weekend when I come from school. He managed to stand and came to greet me and then I noticed his hind legs, all blood-clotted and stitched up. If you love your pets, you know how horrific it is to see your animal that way. I called mom immediately and she explained how a car hit Max and almost killed him on that Monday evening. Further, I went on to see if my pregnant dog Daisy was doing fine and I was told she had lost her  four puppies that Thursday, they were still born. I thought of what a rough week it had been for my dogs. I was told Max did not break even one bone and yet when they took him from the scene of the accident, they were certain that his legs were gone. The vet came and operated on Max till about midnight and in fact he is now walking, that dog is a fighter.

Now I am saying that to say this. I may sound insanely religious but the truth is, what happened to Max was a scheme of the enemy but the surpassing grace of God saved his every ligament and Max is alive. This past week has been especially good in the spiritual growth of each member of my family , the devil must have been so mad and wanted to discourage us by taking Max away but God in His mercy and protection saved our dog. The driver that hit Max had been over speeding and he stopped in shock then drove away as I was told. When God says in the Bible that what we fight against is not flesh and blood but spiritual he means it. Many people even Christians do not like to believe it, but through out the Bible we have seen that the sins of the world have been caused by the devil through our flesh. That is why God says die daily to flesh and live by The Spirit. Everything you do is influenced by either good or evil and the one that you feed is the one that wins. If you indulge your flesh, your flesh will overcome and you will be useful to the kingdom of darkness and if you indulge the spirit of God , God will remain in you and you will overcome all even the devil.

Ephesians 6 talks about the armour of God , get your Bible and read it. Live by the spirit and do not gratify the flesh. The flesh will only lead you to hell. The time is coming when the times will be so difficult for Christians in this life that many will give up their salvation. Be ready by setting a firm relationship with God and reading and praying without ceasing for the enemy the devil lacks around looking for someone to devour. Let God rule and intervene every aspect of your life. The prince of this planet is the devil, therefore he is gaining a lot of people on his side, he wraps Ugly in pretty little boxes by masquerading himself as an angel of light. Be aware of this, ask God to give you His persepective which is truth, may your eyes be opened. It will be easier not to get mad at people who offend you but instead you will pray for them for the Spirit of truth to be revealed in their hearts because we know that when people oppose you and you are a child of God, it is really the devil trying to discourage you. Be ready to pray for people instead of being disgusted by them, let the love of God overflow your heart.

Paul describes us as soldiers who should not get involved with civilian matters (2 Timothy 2.4 ). He did not use the word solider poetically, but because it is what we really are, we are hear on earth as people on a mission, fighting the good fight, running the good race. Taking orders from the King of Kings. Bringing hope to others through the hope of Christ in us. Therefore stop wasting time in civilian issues but instead fight the good fight and may you be found ready and mature on the day of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Love always, Hilda.

Verses of this post

2 Timothy 2.3-4 Share in suffering as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No soldier get entaganled with civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him.

Daisy and friends
Romans 8.37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

Galatians 5.16 So I say, walk by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

Ephesians 6.12 For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.

2 Corinthians 11.14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades himself as an angel of light.

Luke 9.23 And he said to all, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me".


  1. Starting the week as a conqueror in Christ...Nice post Hilda
    Blessed week dearie:-)

  2. Well thought and motivating piece of work
