Saturday, October 11, 2014

A thought or two, maybe more.

I had something to write about but because I did not do it I can not remember what it is anymore. So I will just think as I write. I read a verse this morning that got me thinking, the verse is Hebrews 10.36 You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised. I felt like I had to endure a lot of things sometime back for about three years. I thought it was difficult and I felt like a failure who had wasted time and resources. However the verse is true that says ALL things work together for the good of those that love the Lord. God is good, He truly is. I wake up some days feeling such a great sense of joy in my heart and I look up and say, "You are so nice". Walking through a desert of pain and stress for so long was horrible. But God used this to prepare the way for me to what He is creating me to be and although people are coy about celebrating good things in their beginning, I am not, for I live by faith and therefore every day I celebrate what I have and what the future holds.

I remember when I was younger I was such a practical believer then when I started hanging out with older people they used to say something like "the bible says this.. but the reality is this.." those words destroyed me especially to the point of wavering. I could not belive the nonsense. Thank God He brought me back to the place where I know what the Bible says and that truly is the reality. I read the book of Daniel and could not believe it. Daniel was a man who believed with His whole heart, mind and soul. He was on God's side, He was constantly in touch with God and He cared about nothing else but God and when you only care about God it means you care about people, society, nature and all the things that God cares about. Now even the King did not intimidate Daniel, not lions, not soldiers not the devil, nothing! For He knew the Creator of the universe, the King of Kings, The Mightiest of the Mighty was with Him and therefore Daniel lacked nothing!

My mother's laughter is distracting me, my dad just got home and they last saw each other early in the morning, haha! she sounds like a young lady happy to see her prince charming. I digress but truly I thank God for their beautiful marriage.

So again I just remembered this last week, I went for a session in school and the speaker said to live a Holy life is to live passionately, to live wholly and fully, because the word holy comes from the word whole in Hebrew or Greek can't remember. He went on to say that perhaps the reason God called David a man after His own heart is because David was so passionate. Even his mistakes were passionate and so were His moments of repentance. When you meet a passionate person you instantly are impressed, for example my lecturer who taught me philosophy is one of the most passionate men I have ever met and no He does not shout, he just speaks and his words are of so much depth. This is the most haphazard post I have written so far and the fastest one as well , the keyboard is about to smoke up.

Well that is because I am on some serious passion, passion fruit juice, ha! joke. I honestly feel passionate and I want you to be passionate not just in some days but in all days and the only way that is possible is when you become drunk in the Holy Spirit. God is always passionate, when you have an experience with Him it is passionate, when you look at His creation it is passionate, when you read scripture it is passionate. Therefore with God you only thrive and like He says, "with Christ ALL things are possible". I am also on the journey to always be passionate!

With Christ you can be anything . The Bible says that Jesus grew in stature, in favour of man and in favour of God, Which means he grew physically, socially and spiritually. With Christ you can be all things, He wants you to shine and thrive for His glory, look at each one of the stories in the Bible, sometimes when you read they seem as though they are fiction.  While the truth is, guys like Elijah and Moses and Rebecca and Esther were people who were just like us, they just really and truly believed in God, they poured out themselves to God. Be passionate for God, lean not on your own understanding, praise Him, thank Him, be sincere with Him when you are mad or happy or depressed or not satisfied, whatever state you are in. He is your Father! Let Jesus take the wheel and what great things you will see, Praise Jesus!! Amen!

Love always, Hilda.

Colossians 3.23 And whatever you do work at it with all your heart, as if working for the Lord and not for man.

1 Corinthians 10.31 So, whatever you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 


 4.13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


  1. Ha! Such inspiring words is needed!!! Be blessed Hilda.

  2. Awesome stuff. Sounds totally random and well meditated of at the same time! Hehe

  3. This is so great:) I thank God for using you to minister to those in need of His word like me. Be blessed.

  4. This is passionate Writing for passionate people..
    thanks for the kind words

  5. Living by Faith and being the fool for God. Loving God is loving everything. Great words.
