Saturday, December 20, 2014

In General

It has probably been more than two months since I wrote. I would like to apologize for that, the past two months I have lived my life in between exams and projects. However that is not an excuse, I just never got myself down to write.

I realised this blog means a lot to me, I want to truly mean what I write it is one of the accountability functions of my life. I finally closed school and I am ready for the Christmas holiday where everyone gets leave and everything is on a discount sale. Looking forward to spending this time with family; in retrospect this year I have dwelt more on school and figuring out my career line. The semester that just finished has been the best one yet since I joined. I met so many new and amazing people, perhaps that saying I think by Will Smith is true whereby you are asked to do your best and everything else will fall in place. However I look at it more as obedience to God that comes with many blessings. I have met very inspirational lecturers , very talented and intellectual human beings and also very deep and wise people. It has been so amazing, being surrounded by those people every day has been such a blessing.

This last year if there is something I learnt it is to be alone. Being alone turned out to be such a gift, At the beginning of the year I lost my friends and I had to be on my own until God allowed for new ones. It was extremely painful and I probably looked depressed but gradually I learnt so much about my true character. It was a bitter sweet journey, It came to my attention that I depended heavily 
on them for identity and i felt lost when they were gone but eventually I began to gather my strengths and my grades, my family relationships and my self image improved tremendously. What I value above all else however was the personal relationship I got with Christ, it was so strong and so tangible I felt like I walked side by side with Him, in fact many times I mummer 'thanks God' you would think I am demented because sometimes I say it so loudly looking over my shoulder. I also came to love books this year, I still do not read as much as I used to when I was younger but I am getting there.  

With all the blessings that came this semester I must say I did get a little bit lost in them. I got carried away and centered myself in the busyness. I got so exhausted at one point and realised how I had made my life so busy and pushed away from Christ, I am so grateful to have become aware of this. I also observed that we can get on a high horse when everything is working out for us yet I have never desired a trait more than that of humility. So many lessons so much to write but I know not many read long posts so I will leave it from here. Catch you on my next post which will be more specific.

Love always,


Joshua 1.8 Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips;meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.


  1. I still regard our new friendship born this sem to be a big plus despite the recent unfortunate bumpy's one of the things I'm most proud of (our friendship)

  2. I am proud of you Hilda. At times we find ourselves lost but we find our way. God is amazing both in our difficult time and good times. Please pray for me
