Thursday, October 29, 2015

A Terrible Day


It has been so long since I wrote and I do not even know if I can, so let's see how this goes.
There are many reasons I have not been updating this blog, but that will be explained at a later date.

Today is probably my worst day of the year. My 7 month old puppy called Bobby died and we were close. He was my life, at home. I rarely get to be home because I work during the day and have school in the evening and on Saturday. However when I get home early and even if I am tired I ended up playing with Bobby and not resting at all. Bobby was the most handsome little thing. He was so small but chubby and really liked stealing my shoe and biting me proper! He loved eating too and loved playing with water. Unlike most dogs, bath time was something Bobby looked forward to.

On Monday morning when dad and I went to give Bobby his daily cup of porridge we noticed he was very dull. He then tried going up some steps and i noticed his hind legs were not moving, he crawled up the stairs to say good-morning to me. We called the vet that day and because we were at work we only talked to the vet on the phone. He said something about tonsillitis and arthritis and gave him four jabs. However the next day Bobby woke up immobile and we discovered he had nervous paralysis caused by parasite infection. This is because of a certain type of tick that is found in tropical areas.  He was paralysed neck down and we had to carry and feed him. That next day I didn't go to work. So I went with two big pillows outside sat with Bobby at the terrace as it was raining and had two pillows for him. He was just lying there and could not move. I stayed with him for several hours. I even fell asleep, woke up, found him asleep, fed him, sang for him, prayed for his healing. It was a peaceful day and I knew for sure that Bobby would be healed.

At night however when I put him in his kennel something in my heart sunk and so I called my friend and we prayed for Bobby on the phone together. I was hopeful again and went to work today. I woke up found Bobby in the same state as yesterday. I set him up where we were seating yesterday and told him he'll be ok and that I would see him soon. I called the vet at lunchtime as he was coming to give Bobby more injections and asked him to call me right back for a report.  Two hours went by nobody called. I called the people at home they were not picking. I knew something was up because whenever a pet dies I am always the last one to find out because of obvious reasons. I then called the vet several times and eventually he picked up. I was hopeful and I asked him how Bobby was doing and he went like  "ooohh they didn't tell you? He went on. He really fought but he went on." I was devastated and started crying at the office.

I really held it together and run to the exit before my colleagues could see me. Once I got outside I broke apart and sobbed. I have so many memories of Bobby and my phone gallery is filled with pictures and videos of him. I had a special connection with this little pup more than any other even though I love them all equally. 

Just like many other stories in this life. This one does not have a happy ending. It leaves me with many questions. I do not understand what exactly God is trying to journey out in my life. Because often when bad things happen there's a reason that becomes apparent. For this one there's no reason, no background story. It's just something terrible that happened. I do not get it because I had all the faith in the world that he would be healed and even told my friend I could not wait for a day like this next week because I knew Bobby would be walking and running around again. I told a couple of friends to pray for him, so I had an army of prayers going to heaven. However he still died and I will never see him grow to be big and bad and protective of me. I mean he was half Rottweiler half German Shepherd.

Today even as devastated as I was I went to class. Class sucked and I was at the brink of an outburst throughout the whole time. My mind was barely there but funny how God works, the lecturer read the scripture,  Romans 820 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.
22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit,groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? 25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
Verse 21 gives me the hope that one day I will see Bobby again in freedom and in health. Creation entails everything. The trees that died, the ones that are alive. The spider that you smashed and the cat that you loved. When we are redeemed we will see creation celebrate with us. God is amazing because even in the little things He is there and you cannot begin to imagine the kind of joy that we will experience with Him when we the sons of God are fully revealed and made immortal. Just as Romans 8.18 says I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. 19 For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.
Many things in this present life will not have a happy ending and will not become apparent to you as of now. But hope in the Lord. Keep in Him and trust me one day you will know it was all worth it.
Let's make it to heaven,
Love always, Hilda.

In loving memory of Bobby!


  1. One day you will know it was all worth it. Amen...

  2. In everything we thank God. We praise Him over the Hills and down in the Valleys. He is still God of all. God Bless you and better days are nigh.

  3. May the beautiful memories you made together give you joy.

  4. May the beautiful memories you made together give you joy.
