Friday, May 23, 2014

Let's Get Fat!

Hi, I had not planned on writing but I just know I feel like it.

Today or rather yesterday because it's now past midnight,I spent time with a very special person, he is special because he radiates love, simplicity and kindness.Every time I meet him, he's always much better than the last time.

... before I continue I feel the need to read a few chapters in the bible.... Ok the reading has taken place.
I know that sometimes we try and read God's word and lose focus and concentration or sometimes we just forget after an hour what we have read. It can be discouraging but I have great news for you. The fact that you read and felt wow at that particular moment that alone is like taking lucozade after a long run. You may not remember after an hour or so or less but the particular moment you felt amazed at the Word, that was a moment of praise and worship a moment of fellowship with God and a moment to know God better. There's a contemporary saying that goes "people may not remember the words you said but how you made them feel" so yes its quite similar to that. This however is not to encourage forgetfulness.

I just read a verse in 1 Timothy and the concept is that physical exercise is of some value but spiritual exercise is of greater value for this life and the one to come. I find it astonishing that our spiritual life and how we go about it now will also be of value in the life to come, maybe God will have like class A B and C as p

er how you did in your faith here on earth but really I don't know. You know the way you have to eat to keep alive and when you do not you pass out here and there like a silly goat? (I have passed out because of going a day without food, bad old days haha!) Your spiritual life is no different, if you don't read the Bible and don't fellowship with God you starve yourself, your inner self. You refuse to feed the spirit you die, you stop knowing the difference between right and wrong, you become depraved. This is why today there are so many things that seem somewhat right and acceptable but to God they are completely wrong. My best example is profanity, bad language is used everywhere and it is sort of okay.

Cutting to the chase; stop giving so much attention to the burgers and salads and neglecting the word. Feed yourself daily with God's word be an obese and over sized spiritual man, in the spirit man the fatter the better. Jesus told Satan "man shall not live on bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God".

Let's get fat!

PS the first paragraph is in incomplete thoughts, I am not sure why I have left it there but it serves its own purpose, God knows.

Let's get fat!

-love always Hilda


  1. Growing fat and feeling happy and better about yourself and the Lord's mysterious and wonderful ways...

  2. Quite the read..
    Its true indeed thanks for the reminder

  3. Thank you Kaguma. At times its good to be reminded:-)
