Thursday, July 16, 2015

What Really Matters

What really matters? This is a question I have been asking myself. Funny thing it screams louder on the better and more exciting days of my life. 

I have always imagined a wonderful career especially now that I am in my 20s. When things are looking a little more real professional wise. I have seen my age mates achieve great things and come up with great initiatives. Very commendable and this should be encouraged. However in the busyness it is possible to forget what really matters. That is why on the more exciting days of my life when I go to bed my spirit purges me on this question ever so relentlessly.

Even as you make your dreams come true, as you get married and have children and travel the world. Remember that love is what really matters, get married because of love, have children because of love, travel the world because of love, have a career because of love. When you do something let it be because of love. 

Love brings life. Love truly and deeply, love God first, remember the sacrifice His son Jesus gave on the cross if you ever forget what love is. Love is everything, it is a powerful force, it is life itself. 

If you want to live an empty life, work only for your selfish gains, do everything just to make you happy. However if you want to die happy LOVE, remember everyday to love to be considerate and to serve others. Do this always and at every moment. Do everything out of love, this should be the battle you fight every day, asking yourself did I give love today and if not tomorrow give it twice as much to make up for yesterday.

Let's all make it to heaven.

Love always,

Mark 12.31The second is this: "Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these."  

John 3.16, For God so loved the world that He gave His only son...